gigs: A package for standardising fetal, neonatal, and child growth assessment
There is a gap for clear guidance and open access tools for assessing nutrition and growth indicators as part of individual clinical care and population-based epidemiology. To enable better identification of at-risk infants, a unifying framework and clear guidance for how, when and for whom to use the existing international newborn and child growth standards developed by the WHO and INTERGROWTH-21st is needed. Such guidance is essential to enable tracking of progress towards Sustainable Development Goals and the WHO Global Nutrition targets. This need is the motivation for gigs - a package for researchers and policymakers that facilitates the appropriate use of growth standards for the determination and assessment of growth outcomes at the population level (e.g. stunting, wasting, underweight and trajectories over time) among vulnerable infants. For clinicians, gigs also provides support in choosing which standards to use when assessing growth of individual infants.